05 February 2012

A Lazy Sunday Afternoon…

I’m relaxing, watching movies. I’ll probably clean a little too. I’m currently watching a Russian Japanese Animated film called, “The First Squad”. It has been interesting so far, but I keep getting taken out of the story by live action mockumentary style segments interspersed between animated segments. They really break up the flow of an otherwise interesting animated feature.

Here’s a trailer of the film in question:

01 February 2012


Yesterday’s post reminded me of some fond memories. I spent a lot of time at that arcade during my CEGEP years, and now, almost 10 years (give or take) later, that arcade no longer exists. For years I went there. I specifically went there to play Soul Calibur 2, but I would also divide my time between GuitarFreaks, DrumMania, and DDR. I was also into the Initial D games for a bit at the time, and if I looked hard enough, I bet you I could locate one of my cards (for my car).

I miss those sorta carefree days, and wish I could go back.

Oh, today is my birthday. Hooray for me.

Happy Halloween!