22 January 2018

RandyTheBlog in 2018

I don't know why I'm here. I know, weird, right? I bet you're thinking the same thing at the moment. I originally started this blog in 2011 to give me something to do with the abundant time I had then found myself with. I was unemployed, not attending school; a man with no idea what to do with himself. 7 years later, I'm still that man.

Yes, things have changed. I have a full-time job with a steady income. I don't have to worry overly much about my bills, these were things that I had written about in depth in the past on this very blog. The day to day minutiae of being unemployed, of the anxiety, of finally getting a part time job, the stress of the job, and so on. But still, I'm still that man who has no idea what to do with himself.

I'm still a young man, 33 years old (soon to be 34), but I've gotten to the point where I've isolated myself. Every day is the same. I get up, go to work, come home, go to bed. 5 days a week. My weekends are spent taking care of my chores that I've neglected during the week. I go out with my elderly mother and help her with her groceries or just to go with her for general shopping. I don't go out an socialise. Friends do come over usually once or twice a week to keep me from getting weird and twisted from lack of human contact (I've always been weird). Most times it still feels like work, but that is a topic for another time when I reveal what I do on the weekends with these friends.

My life has become empty. I've become empty. I feel my brain decaying from disuse. Once upon a time I thought of myself as an eternal student. I wanted to learn things, many beautiful things. I love (loved?) literature, the window into the mind of others, the chance to walk in other worlds, and to see the world through different eyes. Since I flunked out of university, all those years ago, my ability to think critically has lessened. That's not to say I've become dumber, but I tend to avoid the headier books. I sometimes think something broke in me then.

But enough of my whinging, I'm here to talk about the state of RandyTheBlog in 2018, and really the state of Randy. I think I'm back. I think I want to change, to grow, to become a better person. I want to write, I want to read, I want to think critically. For too long have I let my abilities languish, but no more. So, what does that mean for this blog? Well, I'll be writing more. In case you haven't noticed I've already posted a few times this year. Ok, I know you're looking at me funny, thinking that posting a random video in reaction to something in lieu of writing about the topic doesn't really count, but it does. It fits into a long tradition of this blog of me just posting randomly. But hey, I've also posted an update for an old post. I solved a mystery that had bugged me, Pizza Ghost has been found.

You're still wondering what exactly to expect from this blog in 2018. I don't know. I'll post something at least once a week, that is a promise. It could just be about anything. Reviews of... things, random videos that amuse me, idle musings, and maybe even some creative writing. Maybe I'll document my attempts at trying to better myself.

So, please dear reader, join me as I grow and try to become a better person.

Until next week, I remain


Happy Halloween!