03 April 2012

Mass Effect 3 Initial Impressions

I started Mass Effect 3 last night, and its another Mass Effect game. My only issue is that my FemShep has been recast with a different actress. My FemShep from ME2 couldn’t be properly imported, and instead produced some sort of freak. It was sad really. I’m just going to play through this game with the default FemShep as she looks similar to the model I used in the previous games in the series.

Major issues with the initial part of the game. For the entirety of the opening cinema, the lip sync was off. It was distracting and took me completely out of the set up.

I caved and bought the controversial DLC, “From Ashes”, since it supposedly has payoff for those invested in the series mythology. I have yet to reach the point where I can pursue this quest line.

I’ll write more once I’ve played more.

On the other hand, I’m itching to get back into two other games I’ve been playing, specifically Kid Icarus Uprising, and Kingdoms of Amalur.

Happy Halloween!