13 April 2012


The Mass Effect RPG series is one where I actually roleplay. My FemShep is fiercely loyal of her allies, dislikes authority, is unforgiving of stupid decision, and REALLY likes to collect model star ships for her cabin. She rolls as a paragon, but has a hot streak of renegade.

This connection I’ve created to this character I’ve played for THREE WHOLE FUCKING games is crazy, and I love it. Its very rare in videogames for you to actually have a choice in how your character goes about their tasks. Too bad that the ending of the game supposedly completely ignores what you’ve done with your character during the series.

I’m really hoping the ending isn’t as bad as people make it out to be. On the plus side, the DLC providing an extended cut of the ending will be coming out in the next few months to “personalise” the ending more.

I’ll write about my feeling further when I finally beat the game.

Happy Halloween!