13 September 2011


As of this past Sunday, it has been 10 years sense the tragedy of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. In the times since we’ve seen many changes in the world around us, changes to how the citizens of the USA are perceived throughout the world. The persona of strength, and infallibility put forth by the USA was shattered, and now the world saw just how vulnerable the country could be. This isn’t a post about politics, or how the world changed that day in September 2001.

Most people remember where they were when they first heard the news, I know I do. I was 17 years old. I had awoken that morning and turned the TV on for some background noise. Over a bowl of cereal I watched the Today Show report that an airplane had crashed into the WTC. They weren’t sure what had happened, and as they talked about it, a second plane crashed into the south tower.

Beyond that I don’t remember much more. I think I spent most of the day, like everyone else, watched the news, shocked. To this day, I’m still a little shocked that something like that could occur so close to home. So close but still far away.

Happy Halloween!