06 September 2011

Nothing Better to Do.

Starting this week, I will be posting twice a week, every Tuesday and Thursday. I still haven’t determined what will be the content of the posts, but I’m sticking to that schedule even if it kills me. Hopefully once this blog starts rolling and I’ve gotten comfortable, I’ll post more often, but right now twice a week is more than enough.

I guess this is as good a time as any to announce this but JD and I have talking and we’ve concluded that The Slacker Chronicles is officially dead. This includes all versions of it that we came up with from a public access TV sitcom, a web series, a media news site/web-blog, and a short prose series. So I will no longer be posting to The Slacker Chronicles website, which isn’t that big of an issue since there has been nothing posted there since sometime last year. I may do a series of posts trying to describe the various iterations of TSC, but it was something of little note.

So what does that mean for Randy The Blog? Not much, other than now I’m free to write about video games here. I may even revive my monthly video game challenge.

Tune in Thursday for more from the exciting world of Randy at RandyTheBlog!

Happy Halloween!