08 September 2011

A Tedious Post : Self-Improvement

As I will not be attending school this year and am currently unemployed, I’ve created this blog with the intention of improving myself and acquiring marketable skills. The goals I have for this blog for the remainder of 2011 are:

  1. To post regularly from now until 1 January 2012,
  2. Learn basic web design and graphic editing as a means to improve the look of the site,
  3. Get people to actually read my blog, and…
  4. Get out of this rut my life is currently in.

First, I will write a minimum of 200 words, twice a week, and have it uploaded to the my blog no later than 3pm.

Second, as you can see the current blog is as simple as it gets: No logo, no complicated backgrounds, just a single colour and text. Truthfully I like minimalist web design, but as I learn more about web design, I will slowly tweak the site to be more aesthetically appealing. But first I need a logo, and a better by line than what I currently got.

Third, I don’t know how I’ll get people to read this blog, but I’ll figure something out. Maybe I’ll actually open a Facebook and/or a Twitter account and try to get the word out. This doesn’t really concern me at this point as this is a personal project and I don’t really need validation from anyone else.

Lastly, if I can at least accomplish part of these goals, I’ll be able to finally get out of this rut. I’m tired of being bored.

Tune in next Tuesday for another exciting edition of RandyTheBlog. Have a good weekend!

Happy Halloween!