23 December 2011

Randy’s Christmas Vacation

It helps if I actually post right? I meant to post this yesterday, and thought I did, but starting 23 December 2011 and ending 1 January 2012, I will be taking a break from the internet. I will not post for the next week. I might post maybe one or two things, but overall, its going to be going quiet over here. Nobody really cares though, so all is good.

See you in the New Year.

21 December 2011

The Hobbit Trailer

Let the hype train begin:

I know I’m looking forward to this. Since I was little, I’ve always been a fan of The Hobbit. I’ll be there opening day, just as I was ten years ago for The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, and the two sequels. Can Peter Jackson do it again? The trailer seems to indicate that he’s on the right track.

19 December 2011

Oh Dear God No

I just worked for 12 hours, called in the at the very last minute, didn’t realise that they’d make me work both the other person’s shift and my own  at the same time. Not fun in the slightest. I smelt like burnt bacon and still need to shower. I’m just tired.

17 December 2011

A Very Short Post

I was just going to post another photo, but I’m too lazy to check to see if I posted it before. Ah, screw it, I’ve got too much of a headache, here’s a photo:


16 December 2011

Where Has The Time Gone?

We’re 9 days from Christmas, NINE DAYS. I still have some things to pick up for people, and not enough time to get them. Its crazy man. I still haven’t watched a single Christmas movie either. Strange that I’ve avoided watching anything Christmas related. Okay, that’s a lie, I rewatched last year’s Animated Community Christmas, and Syfy Christmas Specials for Eureka, Warehouse 13, and Haven. That was all I’ve watched.

Nine days, I can’t get over it.

15 December 2011

Rough Night’s Sleep

My sleep is messed up again. I would wake up, wander around my house, go back to sleep, and repeat. This kept happening all night. The worst part of all this is that I don’t think I dreamt except for one dream. Yes, I’m going to tell you about the dream I had.

I’d been having trouble sleeping all night, I would wake up wander around my house, go back to sleep, and repeat the cycle again, all night. Finally I fell asleep. When I awoke the next time, it was beautiful outside. The sun was shining, the dead grass and trees twinkling with a little bit of frost and melting snow. I then looked at my clock. It was 1pm. I was supposed to be at work 5 hours ago. So I tried calling someone, but the lines were busy and I couldn’t get a hold of anyone. So I got ready and walked 20 minutes to work.

I don’t know what happens next because as I was walking down the bike path, the weather getting colder, clouds starting to fill up the sky, I awoke in my bed, one hour had passed since I had woke up previously.

Up to that point I didn’t even realise that I was dreaming. Right now, I don’t even know if I’m dreaming, but I’m just going to play along with it until I either wake up, or go back to sleep. Time to finish getting ready to work.

14 December 2011

Such A Miserable Day

Not the best day of the week to say the least. I got woken up this morning, called into work for a meeting. The meeting was essentially a huge reprimand about how the quality of work has shifted since we’ve taken over. Fun.

To top it all off, my niece was having a miserable day as well, she just keeps getting sick. She ended up at my house all afternoon due to it. Shot my plans off, so didn’t get to clean my house (again) as planned.

I’ve also had a headache for much of the day, which didn’t even go away after I slept for a bit this afternoon. It was so bad, I ended up ordering out for pizza instead of cooking supper.

If I didn’t have to go in tomorrow, I wouldn’t. I’d stay in bed and sleep, really sleep you know?

13 December 2011


So I completely forgot to post anything yesterday. I got home from work after 9pm, and I actually thought I’d posted something already. Remember that lengthy post from Sunday? I had thought I posted it yesterday. Oops.

I had a busy day of doing nothing, yet again. Still haven’t gotten around to giving my house a good cleaning, but I did get around to getting my dog washed. He’s now nice and clean. He’s much happier for it too.

I almost forgot to post something again tonight. Sorry. More tomorrow.

11 December 2011

So, I Had A Cold

I’m finally over whatever I had. Whatever remains in my lungs is negligible, so I consider myself better. The healing can now begin. HUZZAH! Now onto the fun part, time to disinfect my house. Actually, that doesn’t sound like fun at all.


VIDEOGAMES! I’m really enjoying the hell out of Mario Kart 7. I didn’t really get around to playing all that much against others online, but when I have, it worked awesome. I only got dropped once. Mario Kart 7 is just pure Mario Kart, if you know what I mean. Its a genre unto itself at this point. No other game could get away with having such cheap rubber band AI, but this one does well. Its one of the few instances where it actually intensifies the gameplay; you always feel that anyone could win at any moment. I enjoy that, even when it irritates me to the point I want to stab someone (specifically the computer player) in the eye. It elicits good hate, whatever that means.

I didn’t really get to play that much since I last posted anything. I’ve been busy working. Oh boy did I work. It’s like the moment everyone realised I was better, they could work me harder than they ever could before. I’m so very tired.

Huh, just got an email from Microsoft…my Gold account expires today. I completely forgot. Oh well, I don’t really feel like paying $60+ for something I rarely use anymore except for when I use Netflix. I can always watch that on my Wii, PC, or 3DS at no additional charge anyways. The days of playing with friends online has passed for me. None of them want to play anything anymore it seems. Sigh, nostalgia.

Yes, I’m making up for not posting in the last two days. I just didn’t feel up to it, or have anything really to say. Less than usual actually. Today I feel fine, and in a mood to just write something. Speaking of writing, I bombed terribly. I did not complete my novel for NaNoWriMo, and I’m fine with that. I’m going to give myself a year, and brainstorm, and plan. I’m not just going to go into it half-cocked again, thinking I could just wing it. Not going to happen again.

So, anyways, I didn’t post anything for two days mostly because I just didn’t feel up to it. While it might be good to write something everyday, to get myself in the habit, I’m not going to kick myself for not posting something. I also felt invigorated to not have to force myself to write. Maybe in the new year, I’ll set aside 2-3 days a month where I just don’t post anything. I should probably start to bring a focus to this blog too. I’m going to think on that.

08 December 2011

Be Excellent To Each Other

I just don’t get it. I don’t understand why people are surprised when they walk into my workplace, and I greet them and give a kind word. I had to explain today that I treat others the way I would want to be treated in such an establishment. Its all about mutual respect. If the customer is polite, I’ll be polite. If the customer isn’t polite, I’ll still be polite anyway if not a tad quick to get rid of them. It confuses me that people don’t understand that.

07 December 2011

What Has Happened Before Will Happen Again

This isn’t the post I originally wanted to post. I had intended wax poetic on the arc that EA has taken over the years and how Activision took their place. But yeah that’s not going to happen. Its all been said.

To sum up EA’s story arc: Evil=>Good=>Evil.

It’s just too much effort, and its a waste of my time. So the last thing I’ll say on this subject is this: EAs practices in the last year alone has been atrocious.

  1. Steam removes select EA triple-A titles from online store due to breach of terms. Essentially, EA had attempted to cut Valve out of the monetary equation. When Valve refused to budge, they refused citing that it was just Valve picking on the little guy. This all happens around the same time EA is making a huge push for their online store which now conveniently is the only place to purchase these titles.
  2. EA bans user on their forum, user is perma-banned from accessing their purchased EA titles. EA states that its a glitch. Its still going on to this day and EA refuses to comment.
  3. EA makes a push for more online passes and project one dollar content. Codes expire within a year if not used.

They’re slowing becoming scumbags again. That is saddening.

06 December 2011

Lazy Tuesday Evening

Today may be the first day I will not start about my cold. I still kind of have one, but its not too terrible. Just sitting here listening to this weeks GiantBombCast. I was just going to lazily post, “Peck peck gobble peck peck”, in honour of it, and mostly because I’ve got nothing to write about…

I watched Ip Man today if that interests anyone. I liked it. I’m just done with today. I want to sleep.

05 December 2011

Damn, Cold Won’t Go Away

Since I have such a bad cold (which I’m starting to think is not a cold), I’ve been forced to sit back, relax, and NOT overexert myself. Luckily, I’m not working until Thursday morning. With all this relaxation time, I’ve been able to watch some movies, TV, play games, and sleep here and there (I’ve not really be sleeping). So here are some super short reviews of things I’ve played and watched in the last few days while I’ve relaxed.

  • Games:
    • FATE/Extra (PSP) – Interesting story, trial and error combat is both fun and frustrating at times, good for pick up and play sessions.
    • Mario Kart 7 (3DS) – This game was given to me at launch as an early Christmas present. I’ve beaten all the 50cc cups, 50% of the 100cc cups, and 25% of the 150cc cups. Probably one of the best Mario Kart games released. New tracks are fun. I just wish there was more acknowledgement of Mario Kart Double Dash. Great and easy to access online.
    • The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (WII) – I’ve only clocked roughly 3 hours of game time since I started this morning. Slow burn at the start, but totally engrossing. Some of the best graphics I’ve seen on the Wii. I’ve only seen the tip of the ice burg but the WiiMotion+ controls are flawless at this point, I look forward to seeing how the combat evolves as I play more.
  • Movies/TV:
    • The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes – When this first started airing I couldn’t get into it. The first episode with its terrible voice acting, and uninteresting plot killed it for me. A few months later I tried to watch the pilot/promotional webisodes which lead up to the events of the first episode, and still couldn’t get into. Throughout this time, I’d been hearing that its a good show, and so I’ve given it a third chance. I am currently half way through the first season, and I’m digging the Saturday morning cartoon vibe. Some of the voice work still rubs me the wrong way, but I’m getting used to it. I like how they’ve made a version of the Marvel universe that seems to take the best from the other versions and combine it. I can’t wait to watch more. The show is a slow starter and was well worth taking the chance on it while it ironed out the kinks. I highly recommend it now.
    • Super 8 – Slow paced, but well done and entertaining.
    • Transformers The Dark Side of the Moon – I’ve watched this movie twice, and have concluded that it would have been a better movie if they had cut out all the scenes with human actors. The characters are flat, the humour is unfunny, and the plot almost incoherent. On the other hand, the action sequences are just plain cool to watch. The final hour of the movie is one long action scene, and when it ends the movie just kind of stops. I’m hoping there isn’t another one. Not a good movie.

I admit it, I’m not a good reviewer, but those were my thoughts on the things I played/watched in the last few days. I’m going to go continue to take it easy and take a nap.

04 December 2011

Randy The Blog Presents: VERTIGO

I have a cold, one which I thought I was almost over. Fever broke Wednesday, and the cough lessened, but when I went to work Friday it decided to stage a counter-attack. Near noon Friday afternoon, I blew my nose to get rid of some mucus in my nose, and next thing I know, I’m falling over. Oh joy, a feeling I haven’t felt in a long time: VERTIGO. HOORAY!

I was forced in to see a nurse, who said the only thing I could really do was to go home and rest, and if I couldn’t then I’d have to not over exert myself for the remainder of my shift. So yeah, I still ended up working for the last two days, and I don’t feel any better. Luckily (or unluckily, can’t decide which), I won’t be working again until Thursday, so I’ll have a few days to just rest and get this out of my system. So look forward to another week of my bitching about having a cold.

02 December 2011

Hopefully Getting Better

I have a cold. I can’t wait until I stop writing that. I’ve written that every day this week so I might as well end off with it. I’m still sick but getting better every day. My throat itches, my head is still stuffy, but I no longer have a fever. I will be off to work shortly. I hope this day doesn’t suck. Once I come home, I think I’ll be off to bed.

01 December 2011

I Have A Cold [Repetition]

Sigh, I have a cold. Its getting better though. I’m seriously entertained by starting the post off the same way everyday, I don’t know why. Now back to that cold. I had a slight fever yesterday which seems to have broken, or not, I still keep getting aches. I will be working tomorrow, I have no real choice in the matter. It’ll be four/five days since I first exhibited cold symptoms, so it should be burned out by then. If not, oh well, I’ll wear another face mask all day again. Not fun, but yeah no real choice.

Today, I just plan on resting and getting better. I really need to work. Here’s hoping this is almost over.

Happy Halloween!