07 December 2011

What Has Happened Before Will Happen Again

This isn’t the post I originally wanted to post. I had intended wax poetic on the arc that EA has taken over the years and how Activision took their place. But yeah that’s not going to happen. Its all been said.

To sum up EA’s story arc: Evil=>Good=>Evil.

It’s just too much effort, and its a waste of my time. So the last thing I’ll say on this subject is this: EAs practices in the last year alone has been atrocious.

  1. Steam removes select EA triple-A titles from online store due to breach of terms. Essentially, EA had attempted to cut Valve out of the monetary equation. When Valve refused to budge, they refused citing that it was just Valve picking on the little guy. This all happens around the same time EA is making a huge push for their online store which now conveniently is the only place to purchase these titles.
  2. EA bans user on their forum, user is perma-banned from accessing their purchased EA titles. EA states that its a glitch. Its still going on to this day and EA refuses to comment.
  3. EA makes a push for more online passes and project one dollar content. Codes expire within a year if not used.

They’re slowing becoming scumbags again. That is saddening.

Happy Halloween!