11 December 2011

So, I Had A Cold

I’m finally over whatever I had. Whatever remains in my lungs is negligible, so I consider myself better. The healing can now begin. HUZZAH! Now onto the fun part, time to disinfect my house. Actually, that doesn’t sound like fun at all.


VIDEOGAMES! I’m really enjoying the hell out of Mario Kart 7. I didn’t really get around to playing all that much against others online, but when I have, it worked awesome. I only got dropped once. Mario Kart 7 is just pure Mario Kart, if you know what I mean. Its a genre unto itself at this point. No other game could get away with having such cheap rubber band AI, but this one does well. Its one of the few instances where it actually intensifies the gameplay; you always feel that anyone could win at any moment. I enjoy that, even when it irritates me to the point I want to stab someone (specifically the computer player) in the eye. It elicits good hate, whatever that means.

I didn’t really get to play that much since I last posted anything. I’ve been busy working. Oh boy did I work. It’s like the moment everyone realised I was better, they could work me harder than they ever could before. I’m so very tired.

Huh, just got an email from Microsoft…my Gold account expires today. I completely forgot. Oh well, I don’t really feel like paying $60+ for something I rarely use anymore except for when I use Netflix. I can always watch that on my Wii, PC, or 3DS at no additional charge anyways. The days of playing with friends online has passed for me. None of them want to play anything anymore it seems. Sigh, nostalgia.

Yes, I’m making up for not posting in the last two days. I just didn’t feel up to it, or have anything really to say. Less than usual actually. Today I feel fine, and in a mood to just write something. Speaking of writing, I bombed terribly. I did not complete my novel for NaNoWriMo, and I’m fine with that. I’m going to give myself a year, and brainstorm, and plan. I’m not just going to go into it half-cocked again, thinking I could just wing it. Not going to happen again.

So, anyways, I didn’t post anything for two days mostly because I just didn’t feel up to it. While it might be good to write something everyday, to get myself in the habit, I’m not going to kick myself for not posting something. I also felt invigorated to not have to force myself to write. Maybe in the new year, I’ll set aside 2-3 days a month where I just don’t post anything. I should probably start to bring a focus to this blog too. I’m going to think on that.

Happy Halloween!