01 November 2011

What Have I Gotten Myself Into

I really don’t know why I did this, and I know I’m going to fail. I will be participating in this year’s NaNoWriMo. For those not in the know, NaNoWriMo refers to National Novel Writing Month, which usually falls in November of each year. It is a challenge to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days or less. I’m going into this blind. I don’t have any particular story, no characters, nothing. I will fail this. I know it, but you know what? I don’t care. I’m writing this for me, nobody else. It’ll be bad, but if I can do it, I’ll have something to be proud of.

This is actually the third time I’ve attempt to write a novel in my short 27 years of life. My first attempt was in High School, when I had planned to write a short Fantasy novel as a present for my father, based on a shared love of JRR Tolkien. I never got past the planning stages and got bogged down in the backstory of my characters. My second attempt was a few years ago, it was to be a collaboration with my buddy JD. I had wanted to go into it blind, and just write a chapter, hand it over to him, and have him react to it and so on and so forth. That failed miserably, and I know it was me who held it back. Once again I got hung up on the back story of the characters. This time, I’m going in with nothing, just an opening line.

I’m hoping that this for once doesn’t end up in failure.

Happy Halloween!