08 October 2011

Incomprehensible Gargling of Rage


So, was hanging with my buddy JD today. He somehow convinced me to finally get back to playing Sonic Unleashed. One second while I take a breather. Just writing that name right now is bring so much rage to the surface. JD sat there and laughed non-stop because he could tell I was going to snap. I HATE Sonic Unleashed. The first level of the game is decent, and then they shoot two poorly designed Brawler type levels at you, a QT eventfest, and a poorly designed Sonic Speed level. This game just does so many things wrong. For instance, every other Sonic game will map the homing attack to the same button as jump, here they map it to a completely different button. So when I’ve intended to jump and home, I’m really just jumping and then pressing the button again (which does nothing) and usually falling in to a pit.

Sonic Unleashed shouldn’t be this bad, but now I hate it completely. You hear that SEGA, SONIC UNLEASHED MAKES ME ALMOST NOT WANT TO PLAY SONIC AGAIN. I hate it. I really really hate it.

I find it quite fitting that the last achievement I received for this game is titled, “Still Broken”. That just about sums up my feelings for the game.

Happy Halloween!