11 October 2011

Virgin Mobile Canada Issues

So due to this whole economic downturn I’ve been without a job since roughly May of last year. While I have looked for jobs in my community, I haven’t been all that successful. At this point in time, I currently have next to no income, leading me to cut off as many extraneous costs as possible. My cell phone has been deactivated since the beginning of September as I’ve had little reason to use it. Why tell you all this? To set up the next paragraph.

Roughly around the same time I hurt my back, I started to receive sales calls from Virgin Mobile Canada asking me to reactivate and Top Up my cell phone this month and they’d give me 25% more time based on the amount deposited. I notified them all of the above and that I’d only be able to add time around the end of October, and only if I deemed the cost necessary. In reply to this the sales person assured me they would call back near the end of the month.

They have called me almost every day since.

I’ve been using a pay-as-you-go Virgin Mobile Cell since 2006/2007, whenever they first released them in Canada, and have had little to complain about. But this is starting to drive me nuts. How many times can I explain to a salesperson I have no extra money to spend at the moment? I’ve sent an email to them in regards to this, and hope that this can be resolved. I’d really hate for them to lose my business as they’ve been good to me up to this point.

Just felt I should share.

Happy Halloween!