05 October 2011

Life of Randy: Daily Update

So, yeah, I kind of decided that these random daily posts about nothing in particular will all be titled Life of Randy. Its just easier to do it that way. Due to this decision, I’ve went back and renamed some to include that title in some way. You’ll now be able to find all of this pointless posts tagged with “Life of Randy”.

On the subject of Randy, my back is much better. Other than one spot near the middle of my back being achy, and my left side from that spot down to my knee being stiff, its all good. I’m starting to get back my full range of movement, even though its for short periods of time. I’ve had to take a break here and there to allow my back to rest, but I’m glad this is almost over.

Didn’t really game much today, or yesterday, but I’ll be getting back into it now, and I’ll provide some steady coverage of Eternal Darkness starting tomorrow barring any further back complications.

See you next time.

Happy Halloween!